Hand Picked List: Cycling Collectibles

"I want to ride my bike"
Brought to you by AudiLee
Main category Collectibles | View count 642 | Clickthrough count 355
Published on 07/22/22

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Do you ride a bike?

AudiLee says: July 22, 2022

I love riding my bike! Benefits? Health, ecologically & environmentally friendly, maintenance cost, fun!! How about you?

quadrina says: July 22, 2022

Does a stationery bike count too? Lol! Great list Audi ….. from quadrina. :)

Starfisher says: July 23, 2022

I have a three wheeler that I love. For safety reasons can no longer ride a regular two wheel bike. Terrific list.

AudiLee says: July 23, 2022

Hi quadrina, absolutely it is… that’s a work-out for sure!! Starry Jan, very smart and the 3-wheeler sounds perfect. I may have to look into one of those, one of these days! Thanks for your comments, both of you :)

Susannah_de_B says: July 23, 2022

I love my bike, but now I really want that pink trike – great picks Audi!

vintagesuffolk says: July 25, 2022

Nice list. Love the amber suncatcher and vintage card.

VintageVarietyShop says: July 25, 2022

I used to love riding a bike, but haven’t been on one for a long time, except for the kind Quadrina mentioned. A super list!

AudiLee says: July 26, 2022

Hi Susannah.. I like that too, my bike is pink LOL. vintage, that card is really cool and thanks on the suncatcher.. actually the price was just reduced on that one! Vintage, I haven’t lately but hoping to be able to again soon! Thanks gals for commenting :)