Hand Picked List: Autumn In The Air

Brought to you by vintagesuffolk
Main category Collectibles | View count 1524 | Clickthrough count 353
Published on 09/10/22

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User comments on Autumn In The Air

quadrina says: September 10, 2022

Very nice list of autumn related items! Thank you for including my amber pendant. ….. from quadrina. :)

Starfisher says: September 11, 2022

This HPL is so representative of Fall, I love it. Thank you very much for including my items, it is always appreciated.

VintageVarietyShop says: September 11, 2022

Lovely Fall picks! Thanks much for including my pitcher.

Indizona says: September 13, 2022

What a nice selection of items for your list! I am honored to be included. Thank you!