Hand Picked List: Planes, Trains And Automobiles

"an eclectic collection"
Brought to you by AudiLee
Main category Toys & Hobbies | View count 82 | Clickthrough count 0
Published on 01/03/24

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This was actually the title of a movie, 1987, starring Steve Martin and John Candy. Anyone see that?

AudiLee says: January 03, 2024

Hello Friends, Bonanza Neighbors and Welcomed Guests :) Thanks for stopping by and checking out my list, I appreciate it! I wish each of you a very happy 2024! ~Audi

CollectibleStampShop says: January 03, 2024

Thank you for including my Scott # BK216 2843a, 2843/47 29 Cent USPS Steam Locomotives Booklet of 20 on your handpicked list!

VintageVarietyShop says: January 03, 2024

This is such a cute list! Yes, I will remember that movie and have seen it more than once.

VintageVarietyShop says: January 03, 2024

I mean WELL remember, and Happy New Year to you too Audi!

quadrina says: January 03, 2024

This is a fun list Audi and Happy New New to you too! …… quadrina :)

AudiLee says: January 04, 2024

Hi Collectible… you are very welcome :) Hi Vintage and quadrina, thank you and it’s nice to “see” you again!

teristrunk says: January 04, 2024

Thank you for including my train in this great list. Happy New Year to you!

Starfisher says: January 05, 2024

Happy New Year to you as well. Glad to see everyone and I wish you all the best. Terrific list.

FantasticFinds2014 says: January 05, 2024

Another great list! Thanks for including me in this. Happy New Year!

AudiLee says: January 05, 2024

Hi Teri and Fantastic… You are both very welcome, you have great items and I’m happy to include them. Happy New Year! Hi Starry Jan, thanks! I’m glad to see you too :) Happy New Year!

vintagesuffolk says: January 07, 2024

Hi Audi,
Happy New Year and thanks for sharing two of my items.

AudiLee says: January 08, 2024

Hi vintage, happy new year and my pleasure.

Robin1 says: January 09, 2024

Good job!

QuoiDeNeuf says: January 09, 2024

Hi AudiLee! Happy New Year! I haven’t been here for a long while. Thank you so much for including my car erasers on your unique list. :)

AudiLee says: January 09, 2024

Hi Robin, thanks! Hi Quoi, the erasers are really cute, they’re very unique! Happy New Year to both of you!

OVYEE says: January 11, 2024

I thrive on oldie,But goodies,Like These…OVYEE jewels

AudiLee says: January 12, 2024

Hi OVYEE, thanks so much! :)

Integrity_Woman says: January 16, 2024

I am honored to be on a list named after my absolute FAVORITE movie EVER. Any movie that can make you laugh and cry is a rare treasure. There is an extended scene you should check out on Youtube that is awesome.