Can we have a simpler start page with less button pushing to go where one wants to go?

I initially liked the update which changed the major look of Bonanza. But after a month of using it I find that it is much harder to navigate. I think “everything” should be on the initial start page with as few buttons to push to where one wants to go….
(perhaps no drop down menu’s?)

asked over 8 years ago

Reputation: 12
See humble's booth

1 Comment

reksplace36 says: September 23, 2015

I initially DIS-Liked the update, but after a month of ( and still unable to navigate easely,) I DIS-LIKE it a LOT more.

10 Answers

From your mouth to God’s [URL removed]

answered over 8 years ago

1 Comment

The_Lingerie_Lounge says: September 23, 2015

Hahaha!!![URL removed] Very true ArtistsUnion!

my comment from the beginning…if it takes more than one click to get there…most people won’t go…

Bonz has made major changes before…and after about a year or so, actually did go back to the original in some cases…but I think that we may be stuck with this for at least a year, until someone decides to change it again…

answered over 8 years ago

Reputation: 12648
See ccmom's booth

I’m with the others – too complicated. I would like the ability to turn OFF the adds for membership. Isn’t there a law that there should be a way to do this? It is always at the top of the screen when I log in. If I wanted a membership – I would find a way to get one down the road after I turned off the adds for it. JMHO ;)

answered over 8 years ago

Yup, I must agree with all of the above.
I’m overseas and on a tablet.
MAJOR complicated – it was before, now it’s a pain. !

answered over 8 years ago

I’ve been here over 4 years and it took my forever to find the community page! I HATE the new version!

answered over 8 years ago

I’m with everyone else. Hate it! Also, can’t stand the feedback notification!! If i want to leave fb i will. But when I first purchase something, and it stays lit that I need to leave fb!? Should be my option on what i do with fb., of course I will leave fb, Just dont want to see it lit up every time i come here especially when i have not even received the item yet!!

answered over 8 years ago

Reputation: 1958
See misskeech's booth

they never add sell simler button i sent many e mail they never answer any one please help to add one very very urgant also Australian feed like they have us and UK feed very very urgant bonanza never answer me

answered over 8 years ago


ccmom says: September 23, 2015

The sell similar is a link in all listings ….Got one like this to sell? Sell it on Bonanza! told you that before….It took 5 years to get the UK feed up……they may eventually get to other countries..

ArtistsUnion says: September 24, 2015

“they never add sell similar button” – I believe You mean Your own items, not just to copy somebody else’s listing. You can easily add Your new, similar items by duplicating Your listing. There are two [URL removed]

ArtistsUnion says: September 24, 2015

1. My Store ? Add or Edit items ? Duplicate (hover, place the mouse over the selected item’s picture) or 2. My Store ? batch edit items –> Duplicate items “i sent many e mail they never answer any ” You should, though, receive at least once answer from B. to all Your messages…

The layout is not intuitive. For instance to manage paypal and Amazon payment methods is in your account options page but to manage a credit card payment method is totally somewhere else.

answered over 8 years ago

OMG I can’t find ANYTHING easily anymore. SOOoooooooooooooooooo frustrating

answered over 8 years ago

I agree… I’m not on here much anymore because it just takes so darn long to find anything back. I understand what they are trying to do, and it’s different yes I’m willing to give it a try, but things are just not categorized or something.

The flow isn’t there.

Dear Bonanza I would also like My Community on my main bar!! I miss my Bonz friends!! If we are a Bronze or gold member we should have direct fast access to the forums with 1 click!! The community was the #1 reason I really liked bonz compared to others.

answered over 8 years ago

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