Do i need an ebay store or just an account to be listed with standard level bonanza

I have an E-bay store, but want to close it to not have the monthly charge. Will Bonanza just list individual items as told? Or do I need a “store” there to list into?
Do I need a higher level to list?
Any other details appreciated.

asked 9 months ago


HotCornDiggity says: May 01, 2023

You do not need to have an e-bay store to publish listings from Bonanza to Ebay. Example, without an Ebay store I can publish 250 listings per month for free,, renewals count as part of the 250. I did the store for about 3 months but like you, found it was not worth the monthly charges.

EmpressDepot says: May 01, 2023

No matter the level you set your booth to you can list for free with a free booth, only paying if the item sells which is referred to as a final value fee. I like the 9% level personally.

EmpressDepot says: May 01, 2023

And I’m not referring to the membership in my above post….I’m referring to the different levels of percentages we have to pay…for example, mine is set to 9% plus now there is a 25 cent charge added onto a sale.

1 Answer

Currently you do not pay for a store. Listing items is free and you only pay when an item sales. You choose your advertisement level(The maximum fee percentage you will pay when an item sales.) You can choose to buy a membership, but it is not required.

answered 9 months ago

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