Have you edited your listings lately? it doesn't hurt to take a second deeper look

So category by category I am going back through and editing my listings and looking at these key points [URL removed]

*Price comparing using Google shopping and eBay.
*Ending my prices with either .95 or .50 so as to be consistent.
*Checking for grammar and spelling.
*Filling up my titles to the max the best I can while keeping pertinent keywords at the forefront.
*Fine-tuning my descriptions.

Man did these listings I’ve done so far need it. In looking at these now, I definitely was not putting my best foot forward. Hoping this will pay off and feel that it will at least somewhat and definitely cannot hurt.

Funny how when I first saved each listing I thought I did fine at the time.

Sharing this as a reminder that there can be room for improvement when taking a second-deeper look.

What started this is a forum that I am a part of. Last year some of us sellers set ourselves up with some goals for our stores/booths at the beginning of the New Year and we did the same for this year. If anyone is interested in joining on the New Year goal thread it is at www.esellerscafe.boards.net and the thread is titled as Let’s Get Motivated! What’s on your to do list? (hope it is okay to post the link).
[URL removed] In order to see this thread, you have to join as a member. Guests are limited as to what can be seen on the site without signing up.

Special [URL removed] Don’t forget that the title usage is as [URL removed]

*First 60 spaces of our titles are used by Google shopping.
*For Google organic (www.google.com) I’m no longer seeing a definite number of spaces used and instead I’m seeing mixed information on how much spacing in our titles they are using (best practices is to put pertinent information at the forefront of our titles).
*Bonanza, thankfully, uses all 80 spaces in our titles.

asked about 6 years ago


Atomicdiner says: December 30, 2017

Once AGAIN, I will be editing my listings because the PO will increase shipping costs come this January. Does it ever stop with them?

InspiredCreations says: December 30, 2017

I definitely need to scrub my listings also. What is the reasoning for ending prices with .95 or .50?

mrdutch1001 says: December 30, 2017

I check my listings from time to time but learned many years ago from my days on Etsy that too much “tweaking” of listings is neither beneficial nor an efficient use of my time.e worthy

EmpressDepot says: December 30, 2017

Inspired Creations, I know I do not have a concrete answer on what the price endings are for listings, but I had my price endings all over the place. The ones that really bothered me were the ones that ended with even numbers like say 18.00. I’ve also always done .99 in the past or …

EmpressDepot says: December 30, 2017

…or .49 and wanted to try something different at .95 and .50

EmpressDepot says: December 30, 2017

MissDutch. I agree that too much tweaking is not good, mainly because once Google finds your listings and is happy with them, editing them may damage it (as long as the listings are good in the first place and moderate to high ranking). But when a booth needs it, it needs it and it is necessary…

EmpressDepot says: December 30, 2017

Looking from the inside it is hard to be critical of our own booth. We have to try and treat it as if we are looking at another seller’s booth who is reaching out for help on what they may be dong wrong.

gearseller2 says: December 30, 2017

When we started here 2009 we were required to use .00 on all listings- we have just stuck with that over the years. Another good tip for Google is not just title characters but also Bonanza sends first 250 characters in description so make that space keyword rich and not wasted on special characters

EmpressDepot says: December 30, 2017

Gearseller, I must have arrived to Bonanza just after that change. I left for 2 or 3 years I think. It is funny that sellers had to use 00 at the end. Gives me a little chuckle lol.

EmpressDepot says: December 30, 2017

Atomicfinder, yes, it definitely creates more work with flat shipping. I do the same as you. Not this year for edits but next year. Thank God for bulk editing.

EmpressDepot says: December 30, 2017

Oops, fixed shipping I mean.

Fathertime says: December 30, 2017

Just today put that on my 2018 to do list, and I suspect it will take a year

EmpressDepot says: December 30, 2017

lol Fathertime, you gave me a laugh. But hey, at least you put it on your calendar.

Atomicdiner says: December 31, 2017

Some years, I am able to absorb the shipping cost increases but PO is always moving the bar ever higher and wont be able to absorb the increase in 2018. Never had luck with bulk editing in the past so gave up on it as it messed me up too many times.

EmpressDepot says: December 31, 2017

I know what you are saying Atomic :) I hope the shipping costs do not go up too much. The only reason I can mainly avoid going up on shipping is because I tend to ship smaller and lightweight products.

EmpressDepot says: December 31, 2017

Atomic, just took a look at your booth, looks like you ship smaller stuff also. Maybe you did not go up last year. Not this year but next year I will have to go up some.

OnceAgain2022 says: January 04, 2018

Since we were stuck inside due to our blizzard in snj, I went thru all my listings and updated them. Now to start on the new ones

LeonFleischer says: August 20, 2018

I do not understand many technical details

3 Answers

It’s a good reminder, Sharon

I don’t constantly edit my listings, but I do take a serious look, and update them as I look at them for other reasons.

You’re right though, it is funny how out perception changes over time. A listing we think is great to start, no longer is.

answered about 6 years ago

1 Comment

EmpressDepot says: December 30, 2017

That is a great way to say it Bookbin….how our perception changes. Nice to see you.

Hi [URL removed] One way that I am editing now is when I transfer listings to another booth. I’m re-designing Embellishmart and most of those products need to be moved to Paper Nirvana and Artsy Craftery Studio. Boy do they need that tweaking! This is to quote someone above.

Recently did research about ending prices with .95, .97, .98, .99. I have resisted in the past, preferring to list prices as they are, ending in .00 mostly. The psychological info is sound, involving more about what people are comfortable with, rather than deceiving shoppers as I thought. Didn’t think it was fair to lead shoppers to believe that a product is $10 when it’s actually $11 ($10.99). It is interesting to learn what people think when observing $10.99 versus $11.00. Here’s one article that I read at FastCompany.com The Psychology Behind The Sweet Spots Of Pricing
[URL removed]

Bead Tonic
Paper Nirvana
Artsy Craftery Studio

answered about 6 years ago

I had to live with bullying and when I needed it, it’s a good thing I went to a specialist. And it was convenient not to go anywhere, even to get a consultation on the therapy that you needed. It helped me save a lot of time and receive real professional assistance. That’s why I’m happy personally that I studied [URL removed] on the phone and I already knew what it was. So I passed a difficult time with dignity.

answered almost 3 years ago

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