Hello everyone! what is everyone doing via facebook to post your booth online? do you look for various clubs and join them then post your booth?

Looking to maximize my traffic flow for my booth and wonder what everyone is doing on their own?

asked 11 months ago

3 Answers

I have a facebook page for my booth

answered 11 months ago

I post at least a couple items a day on twitter, linkedin and pinterest not that i think it is a great help but at least I got a notice the other day from Linkedin that said people are starting to notice you so maybe there’s hope yet. just a little reminder my booth will be on vacation one day March 18th for a craft show. any of you that see this if near Dundee Michigan stop by the Senior Citizens between 10 to 2 to visit all the vendors.

answered 11 months ago

1 Comment

metalbird74 says: March 23, 2023

Dundee Michigan???? I used to live there! small world! ;)

AS Good OL’ Jim Ross Used to say Now that Bonanza has a New ownership Biz is about to pick Up as we go world wide
Best Regards
Good old smokejoe13

answered 11 months ago

1 Comment

The_Calhan_Mercantil says: March 19, 2023

Let’s hope, can get worse. Don’t get me wrong, I love Bonanza but man, it is hard to make a sale here.

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Viewed: 2271 times

Asked: 11 months ago

Latest response: 11 months ago

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