How do we increase the price of all items at once by $2 to cover label charge?

Because it seems BZ is forcing the $2 and really complicating things here, we need a way to IMPORT from eBay and INCREASE price by set amount for all items. A constant import price increase option.

I see they always ask us to DECRAESE by x% but we need to INCREASE by x$ now.

Is this possible?
Can it be resolved ASAP because the new $2 charge means we can not sell here until we can pass that fee on to the customer with ease. As in one step.

This will be a consumer fee, not a seller fee for our business model.

If it means less sales for them because everything costs $2 more here, this is fine. They wanted it that way.

But we must increase all items by $2 immediately.

asked 3 months ago

4 Answers

This is an official Bonanza response.

Hello Thank_You_Cards,

Thank you for your question. Please note that for questions like this, we would encourage all users to refer to our help page dedicated to shipping on Bonanza and also to feel free to contact our support team by sending us an email to [email protected].

It is possible to use the batch edit page to change the price of your items, but neither our importer tools, nor the batch edit page have a way to quickly increase the price of your items by $2.00 in bulk. You would need to change the price of the items one at a time.


answered 3 months ago

1 Comment

Roses_Quilts_Gifts says: November 09, 2023

If I sell here and I just take my items to post office myself as always have done am I paying $2.00 extra to bonanza

The shipping help link is not helpful.
We get it, you are charging us a $2 fee for using PirateShip.

How do we ensure the fee is passed onto the buyer?

A per transaction price hike like this should come with an option checkbox like “charge buyer the $2 fee” vs “I’ll pay the $2 fee”?

Batch Edit is lacking basic functionality if I can not adjust price + or – by $ or %. So that is not an option.

To suggest we manually edit every single price one at a time on over a thousand items is almost shocking.

Besides that, it seems every time we sync with eBay it pulls the current price again so wouldn’t BZ just drop them all back to our normal price?

Our BZ buyers must now pay $2 more than our other store platforms.

So now we are left with “yes, new transaction charge”.

Our question is does BZ plan on adding a new option to pass the fee on or fix batch edit and add adjust all items prices + or -?

Maybe the option hat should have always been, letting sellers OPT OUT?

answered 3 months ago


I’m surprised that Bonanza told you had to edit each listing one-at-a-time. They actually do have a tool you can use. It’s a bit of a clunky process… but much faster than editing each listing manually!

1) Go to Selling → Batch Edit Items
2) Click on Inventory Details and press the “Export filtered Items” button
3) This will walk you through the process to select your item fields and export them to a CSV file
4) You can then open the CSV file in your favorite spreadsheet editor, and use a formula to increase your prices by $2.00
5) Save your changed file
6) Go to Selling → Add or Edit Items
7) Click on the Inventory File hyperlink
8) There you can upload your inventory file, making sure that the mappings are correct and that the box is checked for “revise previously imported items”

Oh… and then there’s another process you could also use, if you don’t have a wide variety of price points…

1) Go to Selling → Batch Edit Items
2) Click the “Add a filter” button
3) Fill in the criteria for the “Price is between” field for one of your price points and apply the filter
4) In the item basics section, select the set price field… and enter a price that is $2.00 higher than the price point you’re editing.
5) Repeat the process for each of your price points.

So… there’s Definitely better ways than editing each one manually… as someone with tens of thousands of listings across multiple Bonanza accounts… there’s no way we’d be able to manually change our listing pricing! There’s probably other ways to do this as well, which is why the response from Bonanza support to edit each one manually was so shocking. I hope that helps!

answered 3 months ago

1 Comment

downrightspecialkids says: November 10, 2023

You can’t count on the CSRs here to give accurate answers.

Or…. just use their shipping and save the $2.00. I agree it is beyond ridiculous to charge sellers for using other shipping options, but, if we want to play here we have to follow their rules unfortunately.

answered 3 months ago


fairyarrows says: November 09, 2023

my label today was 2cents higher thru Bonanza than Pirate Ship..but if I send 30 days of shipping statements to BZ, they’ll look them over..yeah, right

FlyWel says: November 09, 2023

tt is not just about the $2 – I use Pirateship because I am a multi-channel seller. I can get all of my labels for all of my platforms in one place and then print a SCAN sheet at the end of the day. My carrier only has to scan one barcode when picking up my packages and they all get a scan.

downrightspecialkids says: November 10, 2023

Some of us use pirateship because we want all of our items imported and printed to one place. Some use a scan form, some of us like one printout for taxes. Plus, pirateship has a cubic rate and i get points on my linked credit card for buying labels there.

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Viewed: 233 times

Asked: 3 months ago

Latest response: 3 months ago

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