How Long does it normally take to have an item sold on here?

Im new and am not sure how long it normally takes before your item gets sold.

asked almost 14 years ago

30 Answers

No one knows the answer to that question.
It could be 5 minutes from listing to 5 months.
There has been no scientific study.
There are many ways to help get your item noticed.
Go to your “My Bonanzle” page and click “Make more sales”

answered almost 14 years ago

Reputation: 387
See wallyh's booth

I use twitter to get the word out.

answered almost 14 years ago

Bonanzle has given us many tools to help us be successful. However, there are some procedures that must be followed by the seller to ensure some success.

Here some important [URL removed]

1. Participation on the community boards is key.
2. Choosing the correct Keywords is very important.
3. Assigning the correct item attributes and item traits to your items.
4. Promote, Promote, Promote

Please before you pass judgment on this site, take the time to browse the forums. There are many helpful threads that will teach you how to be successful on bonanzle. Learn, accept and adapt your selling practices to fit bonanzles requirements for success and the sales will follow.

But, there is something else. It might just be the biggest factor. It is something that you must bring to bonanzle – a little patience.

I was lucky enough to sell an item just hours after I listed it. It all depends on the demand of the item and pricing.

I wish you much success!

Your Friend,

answered almost 14 years ago

I guess I have been lucky, sales have been pretty steady
for me. Was slow at first, but after I started promoting
and staying active in the forums, you get noticed.
Just be patient, sales will come, I’m quite sure :)

answered almost 14 years ago

I find my sales come in spurts. One week I’ll sell alot and the next I’ll sell nothing.

But since there are no listing fees I’m not stressed about having to sell my items within 7 days.

answered almost 14 years ago

Thats a good question! lol well after taking a quick look at your booth I noticed one of your titles is in all CAPS. Google does not like all caps so I would correct that. Also having character such as “!!!” in your description is not good for google to gather.

Just having a very keyword driven Title and your first 200 characters of your description containing keywords related to your item specifically will help improve your views. Also make sure after making corrections to click UPDATE BOOTH so that Bonanzle will send your booth and items to Google Products.

Im sure others will chime in to give you more advice!

answered almost 14 years ago

My first sale was about 7 months after I started here…. though at the time there were less than 7700 people here at the time I first opened…. Scince Bonanzle has grown so have my sales. Promote yourself in the forums, twitter, Facebook, etc.
Good things come to those who wait… and work hard for it :)

answered almost 14 years ago

The answer is – it DEPENDS. On a lot of things. So what you do is to increase the odds in your favor. Make your listings “Google search friendly” as already noted, get the word out, join groups or blogs or forums which are related to your product and what you do, and keep listing, listing, listing. If you have existing customers from elsewhere, let them know you are here. Make sure your email signature includes the link to your booth. Hang out at garage and yard sales, pass out your card.

My first sale occurred about a week after I started listing. Since then (about 6 months ago) I have grown to see sales nearly everyday, and some days have 5 or 6.

answered almost 14 years ago

Reputation: 197
See jsgeare's booth

Promoting in the forums helps.

answered almost 14 years ago

That will depend. Be sure to promote your booth and items everywhere you can both on and off Bonanzle so a potential buyer can find you.

answered almost 14 years ago

Sales just depend on who is looking for your type of item. Some weeks I sell, and some weeks no sales. But it is always exciting to see that “You’ve made a sale” icon.

answered almost 14 years ago

promote out Bonanzle, I use facebook, tweeter, buzz and tried to keep my customers happy …
also be patiente sales are slow sometimes


answered almost 14 years ago

I am not sure if you can do that here. Remember to promote your booth as much as possible Google likes to find your booth in many places, it will help your google search ranking. You can promote your items in Squidoo, facebook marketplace and fan pages, google buzz, twitter, blogs and anyplace else you can think of. People need to find you :) Also don’t forget about writing those google attributes for your items. You can do this in the batch editor. The more attributes you have..the better google search likes it Best of luck

Squidoo link
[URL removed]

Google Buzz Forum
[URL removed]

answered almost 14 years ago

Just like anywhere it takes the right person at the right time looking at the right item to make a sale. It could be right after you list it, or months from now.

The best thing that you can do is to get your items out there as much as possible so that the likelihood of the right person finding it is higher. Check the forums for lots of fantastic advice about everything relating to maximizing sales. It takes some work, but it is worth it.

Don’t be afraid to change and rearrange things in your listing if sales are slow. Sometimes shaking it up a bit helps.

answered almost 14 years ago

Since its free until sold, it really doesn’t matter how long it takes. There is a buyer for every item here, we just need to connect the two, if you have your listing done right with all the traits and attributes, the item will be high up in Google search and it will find a buyer that much faster.


answered almost 14 years ago

You need to be a little patient. This is not like other big venues. A lot of people are coming here now because of rising fees at other venues. More and more people are beginning to hear about this site. You need to let other know you are here like posting on Facebook and Tweeting your items. I for one do a lot of my shopping here. We need to support one another. I have seen sales increase here since I signed up. Good luck to you. Happy Sales!

answered almost 14 years ago

If there is a DEMAND for specific item then it could sell faster, if not, then it is up to the seller to advert’ their items, [URL removed] promote promote and join the various Promos out there!

answered almost 14 years ago

Reputation: 8354
See MONTROSE's booth

It really depends on your items and on the prices.

answered almost 14 years ago

Well, if youre selling knockoff merchandise very expenive, it will probably take a long time to sell something, maybe never sell anything at all.

answered almost 14 years ago

It depends on two factors, getting your items noticed by buyers, and the price you have on your items.

For your description, you need an appropriate title and a good description with keywords so that either a Google search, or a search in Bonanzle can find your items. You need good pictures, should make use of item traits if available, and you may wish to add Google attributes (see [URL removed] for an explanation of item traits and Google attributes). Avoid strings of all-capital-letter words in the title or the first 200 words of your description, avoid exclamation points, and avoid shipping and payment information in the first 200 words. Don’t use “Free shipping” in your title.

You can get your items noticed by promoting them in a number of ways. On the Bonanzle page called Maximize Your Bonanzle Sales ([URL removed] there are 15 ways listed for promoting your items and promoting your booth.

But you can do all the promoting in the world – if your items are not competitively priced, they will not sell. Check out your competition, and see what other people are selling the same item for. If your price plus shipping is more than what other people charge, you will not sell your item. In order to have steady sales, not only must you bring in people to look at your items, but you must be at, or preferably below, what other people are charging.

And then, just good luck, and happy sales to you!!

answered almost 14 years ago

Reputation: 20
See SODAS's booth

My first sale was within a week. I usually have a few sales a week.
Best wishes to you :)

answered almost 14 years ago

I’m glad you asked. These are good suggestions for me to read as well.

answered almost 14 years ago

Reputation: 199
See Alacrity's booth

how can i find out if someone is looking for a certain item? I know ebay does this but im not sure if you can do it on here?

answered almost 14 years ago

Toriborialice, it looks as if your booth is inactive (Not activated). I didn’t see any items for sale or maybe you got lucky and already sold them! :)

answered almost 14 years ago

I made my 1st sale the day after I joined, I believe. Though there have been weeks where I have no sales. It depends on the current traffic the site is having, how much promoting you are doing, luck, etc..

answered almost 14 years ago

Sometimes fast, sometimes not – depending on what you sell, price etc and what the customer is looking for

answered almost 14 years ago


answered almost 9 years ago

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answered over 3 years ago

Reputation: 14


answered over 3 years ago

Reputation: 12

6 months to a year to get your first sale and then 1 every 6 months or so.

answered about 1 year ago

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Viewed: 5704 times

Asked: almost 14 years ago

Latest response: about 1 year ago

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