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Intermittent Connection Problems
bharding Nov 12, 2008

Intermittent Connection Problems

Update 10pm: Another 10 minutes of downtime from the ISP. Our hosting company is going to call the ISP tomorrow morning and get an explanation of what the flakiness is all about. We'll keep you updated if we hear anything interesting. Update 3pm: All is well again. There had been some attacks on the ISP originating from Asia, but they've isolated the attackers and blocked them. Our new ISP (Internet Service Provider) has been having some problems making connections to the Internet over the last hour. You can follow updates on the situation from here. They assure me that in the last year, this is the first time that anything of this sort has happened, so we're optimistic this is an unfortunately-timed rare incident. Sorry if you've had trouble connecting in the last hour! On the bright side, we are proud to finally be able to say "not our fault!" :)

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7 responses to Intermittent Connection Problems

AutumnLeaves says: 11/12/08 at 14:44:11

Whew, I thought it was me again. LOL. Got directed to a page, different from Bonanzle home page, with a link asking me how I liked it. I didn’t and before I could reply, all gone! Things will work out. PS. Didn’t like the page

SherAhnn says: 11/12/08 at 14:52:53

LOL – I am used to fighitng with interent connectionn sooo it really didn’t bother me too much.


EvesBooth says: 11/12/08 at 14:53:16

hmm…interesting….boxcars….goes with our choo choo theme….we’re pushing the train up the hill :)

BargainBasement says: 11/12/08 at 14:56:20

Thanks for the update! Glad it’s not your fault!

permacrisis says: 11/12/08 at 14:56:42

Why do I get the feeling that, if you unplug the San Jose cable, the problem stops?

permacrisis says: 11/12/08 at 14:57:19

Kidding. Of course.

yellowsand1964 says: 11/14/08 at 21:41:59

good to know was not my computer :)


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