Is bonanza even worth the time? i have not sold anything in over a year it seems.

The site just does not seem to be improving.

asked 4 months ago

1 Comment

The_Calhan_Mercantil says: October 16, 2023

B has such a seller user friendly platform. I wish someone knew about it. 5 years, sold 3 things.

6 Answers

This is an official Bonanza response.

Hello WiseEyes,

Thanks for your question. Sorry to hear about the difficulty that you have had with this issue. As you can imagine, there are a lot of factors at play when it comes to why any individual seller may or may not be making sales on Bonanza.

For example, when I took a look at your account I quickly saw that you do not have Google Shopping enabled for your items. Our Google Shopping advertising system is one of the primary ways that outside shoppers find items for sale on Bonanza, and without it, shoppers would need to either find your items by searching directly on the Bonanza website, or you could direct buyers to your item listings yourself.

If you contact our support team using the “Help” drop down menu at the top of any Bonanza page, or send us an email to [email protected], we would be more than happy to provide you with even more specific advice on how you can maximize your sales potential on Bonanza.


answered 4 months ago


bonzuser_ojhlv says: October 16, 2023


bonzuser_ojhlv says: October 16, 2023

i almost listed 90 products but still didn’t get a sale in couple of months

They changed to the Crooked B on the Name that’s not an improvement? They sure thought it was making a big deal about it! How about drawing in some sales that would of been an improvement

answered 4 months ago


Elizavella_Designs says: October 11, 2023

My thoughts exactly all these changes and I keep waiting to hear they will bring more traffic here, when they do Then ill get excited. Other wise all these changes mean nothing cause bonanza is stilll unknown after all these years!!!

The_Calhan_Mercantil says: October 14, 2023

Didn’t we just hear B has been around for 15 years? No one I talk with seems to now anything about it. How about some advertising to make some sales. Good for sellers, good for B.

I can only speak of my own experience and here goes…

It has slowed over the past 5 months or so.
Google shopping views had went way down to one or even zero views a day.

June and July…
Not so good at all.

A few more sales thankfully. Still very low on Google shopping views though.

One nice sale. Google views had went up considerably in comparison to previous months.

One sale so far this month with it being a direct sale on Bonanza meaning the buyer was shopping on Bonanza and found my listing and made the purchase. Google shopping views so far are the same as September.

So to rely on Bonanza alone is not enough. In my opinion it is worth it to sell on more than one site. Personally I do sell on eBay. I don’t do as well as others on there but it is nice to have eBay in addition to Bonanza. I also just started back listing on Etsy. I do not have any duplicated listings across the sites. I used to have duplicated listings on Bonanza and eBay but it got me too nervous. I don’t want any bad feedback because of making an error with my listings across two sites.

Good luck.

If it has been a year, try going through and sprucing up a little. Take a look at your pricing…if that’s fine run a coupon code and the discounted price will show up on Google shopping. Are your listings definitely in Google Shopping?

If in Google shopping, click to update your booth regardless if changes have been made or not.


answered 4 months ago

I used to sell 10-20 items aday between my 3 booths. The past 5 months I’ve only sold 5 items. Mercari is just about as bad, maybe 1 sale a week. The only one really doing anything for me is ebay and sales are down & up on there from week to week.

answered 4 months ago

1 Comment

EmpressDepot says: October 07, 2023

Right, shows no rhyme, no reason. Is that how we say it.

Well there is that Bonanza pharmacy in the prime spot on the home page now.

answered 4 months ago

Not worth it. Especially now that there is the $2 shipping fee, uh i mean “deposit” enabled…

answered 3 months ago

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