Posting a reply

When posting a reply here under communication to another seller’s question, my reply received a minus. I’d just rather have it not be allowed to be graded at all, period. If someone does not like what I post or if the info is wrong, post a comment about it. My info in my post, however, was not incorrect.

But being able to publicly give a minus like that due to one person not liking something said even though the information was factual is truly insulting. People that are wanting to be helpful, like me, may just lose interest in doing so. A “o” is a silent indicator that the post is not helpful to someone and leaving a comment below the original post, if the person wants to do that, will help clarify as to why they feel this way.

I gave the post a plus to put it back up to a “o” and I left the info there that I posted originally.

asked about 10 years ago


Tackmakr says: November 16, 2013

Ha! When they first started these i thought it was a scroll arrow, Duh!

TreasureHaven says: November 16, 2013

I wonder what it looks like to others that are just now coming here.

Tackmakr says: November 17, 2013

For clarity they could at least put the + or – , or a thumbs up or down like other places?

A2z4u2c says: November 17, 2013

It does look like a scroll bar, someone most likely try to scroll down if your answer was long. I wouldn’t take it personally.

rose7a says: November 17, 2013

Glad you mentioned this. Had NO iedea that it was not a scroll bar. It does have a note on both the up and down arrow what it is for IF the reader is paying attention. BUT it is easy to overlook when in auto pilot computing. Thanks for the heads up.

TreasureHaven says: November 17, 2013

Now I’m seeing what you said about it maybe looking like a scroll bar. This may have been why it got clicked on. lol. It is hard to know for sure. If it was interpreted as being a scroll bar and clicked on then hopefully MGMT is reading this so that the feedback in this thread can be read.

TreasureHaven says: November 17, 2013

Maybe a pop up with a message should come up before the click given actually kicks in. I still do not like the idea of a minus being acceptable though is the only thing.

TreasureHaven says: November 18, 2013

[URL removed] I was thinking today that using the word acceptable may have sounded argumentative. I sure do not mean for it to sound that way. It’s not meant at you all at all. I said it in general. A better way of saying it would have been that it does not feel right.

TreasureHaven says: November 18, 2013

I guess I just keep typing and typing. lol.. I cannot edit my comment, so I’ll have to edit it down below this comment.

TreasureHaven says: November 18, 2013

It’s good enough![URL removed]

5 Answers

I saw your answer and elaborated since there is a way to apply discounts in batch edit did but did not mean for anyone to vote your answer down….do not be discouraged and I know many are appreciative for any help they can get…since all of the good information though still here is inaccessible without the actual URLs…there are so many things that can be done that many people do not realize..but most cannot find the answers anymore.

answered about 10 years ago

Reputation: 12648
See ccmom's booth

1 Comment

TreasureHaven says: November 16, 2013

Thank you ccmom. It is not your fault for giving a very good answer lol. Maybe someone compared the two answers…I don’t know , I just know that giving a minus is not a good atmosphere to keep people positively involved.![URL removed]

TreasureHaven, I made a suggestion in Feedback several months ago to do away with the arrows and reputation score but it was declined. Maybe I did not word it correctly, so you can try to make the suggestion again. I think sometimes people just want to play games with a seller and will vote an answer up or down. I am sure it has happened to everyone. Don’t let it bother you.
When this forum was just for questions about identification of vintage or antique items, the arrows and reputation score made sense.
Here is the link to feedback to make a suggestion
[URL removed]

answered about 10 years ago

1 Comment

TreasureHaven says: November 16, 2013

Thank you MyTexas.

i am glad to find advice from folks in this area of Bonanza.

If i don’t agree with an answer, i just kind-of go : “hhmmmm” , and go on elsewhere.
i don’t see how it can be good to put a negative reaction.
It would be better to write one’s answer to a comment, than just give it a negative mark.. . i have so much to learn, it is Stressful.
i Appreciate insights about

answered about 10 years ago


TreasureHaven says: November 17, 2013

Welcome to Bonanza!!

TreasureHaven says: November 17, 2013

Thank you.

What’s the point of rating someone’s posts in the forum?

answered about 10 years ago

Reputation: 48
See belmodo's booth

Sorry for “all” the comments that I posted further above in regard to you all that commented to my original post. I cannot edit them or delete and now I think they make no sense. If you stop at the comment that says “PS” that will be good. :)

answered about 10 years ago


MyTexasTreasures says: November 18, 2013

lol, I am confused. @belmondo- I don’t know the purpose of rating, as I mentioned somewhere above , this forum used to be for antique identification.

TreasureHaven says: November 18, 2013

I know it got confusing![URL removed] I thought I had mispelled something in my “PS” post. With not being able to edit it, that is why I started posting below it and then I realized that the “PS” post was fine. See the comments under my very first post when starting this thread. I hope this now makes sense.

cshort0319 says: November 20, 2013

Forgive me, but is a 5 the best or the worst? I’m confused.

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