This is not a question but more just me wanting to say thank to Bonanza for not constantly changing this site, for allowing us to list here for free and our items stay listed and no more fees are charged accept for when they sell, thank you for allowing us to still accept paypal and even most importantly thank you for letting us run our own shops without your interference. I really do appreciate this site and dont even mind having to bring traffic here because its worth it :)
BowersBestBuy Reputation: 34 See BowersBestBuy's booth |
Hi BowersBestBuy,
Thanks so much for your kind words about Bonanza and we are so happy that you love all of the features that we offer. And please feel free to let us know about any ways we can improve the seller experience as well!
BonanzaKatie Reputation: 46 See BonanzaKatie's booth |
I agree! I suspect we’ll see a flood of sellers/buyers moving over here after the self-inflicted chaos being created by the seller updates on that other site…
vintagepaperads2 Reputation: 69 See vintagepaperads2's booth |
Hello, Well said. Bonanza has the best customer service,and easy to use website/marketplace.Also the turbo pack works great ,brings customers and sales$$$$.Thank You for all your hard work Bonanza staff team.Warm Regards,Marie
MarieADawson Reputation: 28 See MarieADawson's booth |
It is so refreshing to see sellers happy and thanking a site. Yes I am one of those from the ‘other’ site!!
Abbyjewellery Reputation: 12 See Abbyjewellery's booth |
Viewed: 2052 times
Asked: almost 5 years ago
Latest response: almost 5 years ago
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