Unable to list products


I am a really low volume seller of collectible items. I have a habit of creating one new listing each day. For two days already, my listings are disappearing as soon as I create them, they are nowhere to be found.

This is the message which I see in the listing when I add it for sale (once I exit the interface, the listing is gone):

The following problems are currently preventing your item from being sellable
This item requires manual approval from our support team. One of our team members will personally review your item within 1-2 business days.
Item status can’t be “Suppressed” if item is to be posted for sale

The products are ordinary cheap decorative beauty products.

asked 7 months ago


EmpressDepot says: July 02, 2023

That’s weird. Did you say this part here or was it them? “Item status can’t be “Suppressed” if item is to be posted for sale”

EmpressDepot says: July 02, 2023

If it was you I’d say look under suppressed in batch edit. But if them it makes no sense at all to me and wish I could help. If it was them who said it, all it takes is one word that you can’t think of until emailing in to them may be an aha moment.

EmpressDepot says: July 02, 2023

What does your title (s) say?

1 Answer

The items should be approved soon (maybe longer for holiday weekend) and will automatically list if there are no violations in your listings. You can use the Batch Edit function to sort out those listings ( for sale, waiting for approval, reserved, suppressed, etc).

If you need further help, drop an email to [email protected]

answered 7 months ago

Reputation: 8632
See tomwayne1's booth

1 Comment

EmpressDepot says: July 04, 2023

As always, good job Tom.

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Asked: 7 months ago

Latest response: 7 months ago

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