I'll be updating this post with known bugs and fixes as we find them. The first known bug is that some images uploaded within the last few hours aren't going to show up until we finish copying them over. 99.9% of images should be back by tomorrow morning. Update 2 AM. OK, 5 hours into its existence, all but a couple very minor issues seem to be resolved. We'll continue to keep a close eye on the setup throughout Thursday. Right now the new server adds about 50% more processor power than the old one, but we also added a bunch more monitoring to the server, so I suspect the speed will end up relatively similar, though somewhat faster. The main differences will be that 1) we escape the machine whose hard drive kept crashing this week 2) our setup is far more modular, meaning we could now spread Bonanzle across five servers if we wanted, and it wouldn't increase the complexity of the setup (we already have one more server ready and waiting to be deployed) 3) in the past if anybody on the site did something that was slow (like a batch edit on a bunch of items), everybody got stuck behind that slow request. That's no longer so. 4) We only had about 5% of our hard drive left on the old server, thanks to more than 6 million images that Bonanzle now holds. We've quadrupled our space to accommodate the next 5 million items. Thanks for everyone's support throughout this transition! More good times coming soon, you can bet.
42 responses to You're on the New Server
I felt the change
doing the refresh on the homepage is wicked fast now!! Homepage is working
Wow that was quick! Good luck with the finishing touches.
Thanks for all of your endless hard work I hope you know just how much it’s appreciated.
Zowie! This is fast….I just listed an item, clicked, and blinked and thought I had lost my listing.
Thanks so much for all you do to make life fun for us.
nice work!
ty for u hard work
Good grief! It’s working so fast my head is swimming…but in a nice way Thanks.
I noticed in the last week my item count keeps changing in my booth. I don’t know if this has anything to do with the changes that have been going on, but I sell something and I gain an item in my booth, I sell something else I gain an item more or two I am jumping between 3 or 4 item count difference without adding any more items. But all looks the same to me. I am still watching it but thought I would mention it in case it might have something to do with the updates and server change and all going on this last week.
And thank you for all your hard work you do to give us such a wonderful site!
Could that have created a change in the Google Base Data Feed? I just got this message, just after their attempt to upload at midnight PST:
“Google Base data feed file status on “calicoseas.xml”: Data feed upload failureâ€"
This is their explanation:
calicoseas.xml edit
Type: Products [?]
Target country: United States Schedule: Active edit
Daily: 12:00 AM PST Manual:upload file Feb 12, 2009 12:30 am PST details
Data feed upload failed. No items are live.
Processed: 0
Inserted: 0
Does anyone know what this means?:
Feed status details
Outcome: Data feed upload failed. No items are live. help
Number of items processed: 0
Number of inserted items: 0
Uploaded at: Feb 12, 2009 12:00 am PST
Processed at: Feb 12, 2009 12:30 am PST
Error Bad data
We didn’t understand your delimiter.
They didn’t understand my “delimiter.” ? What’s a delimiter?
Just want to say thank you so much for all of the work both you and Mark do. This is a really cool site and I think people feel very relaxed which is a good thing. The hand picked items are a wonderful idea and gives everyone a chance to partipicate. Being able to chat to people in your booth is divine.I think this will be a great site for everyone and you are certainly setting a good example for everyone. Ann
calico: There was indeed an anomaly with providing the feeds to Google shortly after launching the server. It’s now fixed. When Google next grabs your feed it should be back to normal.
Thanks, Bill
Awesome! Nice work and thank you!! Much appreciated!
I’m still having some issues when you click on item in Google products it’s not taking me to Bonanzle it’s taking me to my list
I am having some troubles when listing items. If I used the duplicate listing feature it does not hold the formatting and I need to delete the listing and redo it for it to change!
Wow- reminds me of the heady days of 1997-2000. Uncrating those machines, getting ‘em set up, wondering where it was all headed and learning as we went. We were having the best time of our lives and didn’t even know it.
You are living out something only a tiny fraction of people will ever experience. Hang onto it, and suck up every drop.
And, thank you for bringing us along on the journey!
Thank you so much for your hard work! Bonanzle is a great place to be surrounded by great people!
I’m thoroughly impressed by the smooth migration and the increased speed.
Thanks again!
Great new speed, everything loads so much faster now!!! Thank you
Awesome job, as usual! Thanks for all your hard work.
Thank you so much for your reply, Bill.
thanks for all you boyz do!!! and bill, like the new pic
Wow, you guys really are a dedicated bunch. Thanks for all your hard work. PLUS, we all know you’d win the beauty pageant if running against the king at another famous site. And let’s not even get into the intellectual challenge discussion! LOL Sorry. The devil made me do it.
The new server is f-a-s-t!!! Thanks for all your hard work. BONANZLE ROCKS!!
Sending you boys chocolate for Valentines Day!! (Make sure your food fax is turned on).
My Google feed worked!
Great Job Guys. (It always is)
Man it’s Fast
Is there a problem adding custom categories with the new server? I can add the titles in my list but when I update my information for the new cats they are gone.
In no big hurry, but would like to know if this is a problem that just needs to be worked out.
Thanks, Noel
Bill! You’re to BEST! I know this has been eat’n your lunch. :( I am VERY glad to tell you that I have not discovered any problems in my traveling across Bonanzle today.
We’re pull’n for ya!
Thanks for all you and Mark and the rest of the Bonanzle Team do for us!
Opps…spoke too soon :(
I am using Firefox 3.0.5 and I can not copy & paste browser links into Threads. Ex: Limbo Category for a user, I would select the category and go to the top and copy the URL, but when I paste it in the thread, it comes out as the User’s Booth.
That is the ONLY (I swear) problem I am having – Thanks!
Thanks for the Bonanzle sight. It is so much fun to set up the booth and interact with everyone. Haven’t added today but sounds like it is working faster. Praying we all come out winning!!!
please tell me it isn’t me…let it be you…or Craigslist…BUT, if it’s me, HELP…what am I doing wrong? I uploaded over 50 items in the past. Can Craigslist block me from uploading? Can’t get my craigslist listings to load today. Worked okay last night but not today. Could it be a glitch?
I LOVE BONANZLE! Just had my first sale thanks a bunch for all your work and efforts!
Love the shiny new servers!
Thanks Boyz!
Love it. You are the king Bill !!!
Bill…Is there any way WE could help?? Can we delete the pics of sold items or something?? No since in them staying there and eating up space!
Another Engine added to the Friendship Train.
Way To Go ! Boyz
We love it !
wow when you send Bill to the shed to get the jumper cables you werent kidding lol
Thanks so much for the new server. Allowing for horizontal expansion (ability to just add another server) will be so wonderful. That for sure was the way to go at this rate of growth. Awesome!
Bill & Gang. Just read over on the competitor’s site that they have just had a “secret meeting” with the large Giant sellers in S. California. To discuss changes that would “benefit” them. That probably means slapping advertising in everyone’s sales items. Just reminded me that I didn’t say Thanks for Making This an Open, Transparent Site for Sellers.
Oh, and Happy Valentine’s Day!
Thank you for the updates!! Bonanzle is really zipping along very smoothly. Just a quick note to say Happy Valentine’s Day to Bill, Mark, and the rest of the Bonanzle team. It’s no secret that we all really ♥♥♥♥♥ you guys!!
Thank you Bill, Mark, and the rest of the Bonanzle team! You rock!
Found this blog.. help.. I cannot scroll down to list any items.. when I scroll down, the page does not move that I have written up and downloaded a picture and have tried to list an item..is there a site issue? I tried going to firefox and same thing… help!
If you’re having the same problem in both browsers, I’d say it’s a PC issue. I’ll send you a message.
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