Seller Community Forum

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1 answers
0 votes
Does the bonanza website work in french?
Does the Bonanza website work in French?

asked 3 months ago

1 answers
0 votes
Postage stamps
Bonanza your telling us the 10 rolls of postage stamps we have can't be use here and if we use them, you will charge us a 2.00 Doller fine.Why should we buy postage from you when we have 10 rolls of stamps ?

asked 3 months ago

0 answers
0 votes
Does any one know if spark lister will restore a backed up turbo lister database?
Does any one know if spark lister will restore a backed up Turbo Lister Database? I have few old turbo lister database that I would like to view and list and was just wondering if spark lister would even work for this? I can't even find the spar...

asked 3 months ago

5 answers
2 votes
Anyone able to get bznza to "price match" pirate ships cheaper labels?
So far they have only said "contact support". No instructions, no templates, no nothing. I do not want to look up and email for every single label but so far PS has been cheaper in all cases. Even if by 2 cents, it is cheaper. How do we ...

asked 3 months ago

1 answers
0 votes
Anyone know why we can't pin to pinterest anymore?
I tried to do some promotion pins and got this message, Sorry! This site doesn't allow you to save Pins.

asked 3 months ago

1 answers
0 votes
How do I add $30 to my shipping fund?
Hello. How do I add $30 to my shipping fund on Bonanza? Thanks, Sharon

asked 3 months ago

1 answers
0 votes
A great idea rg 'one of our biggest sales of the year!'
So, like me, you probably get email messages from Bonanza 'Participating sellers across Bonanza are offering extra discounts with a shared coupon code' Oh boy. I have a great idea! What if Bonanza were to offer a discount to Sellers as well!...

asked 3 months ago

2 answers
0 votes
Is putting booths on hold a regular occurrence?
I contacted Bonanza with a question. Aside from the getting the normal run-around answers, I was advised that I didn't have a credit card on file. I've always had auto-draft - which I advised the CSR. The response I received? "The credit card fail...

asked 3 months ago

1 answers
0 votes
Shipping labels - reprinting
Okay, so I've done my first Bonanza shipping label and have printed it out. If I close the window, but needed to reprint the label, I don't see any way to reprint it. Anybody know how you would do that?

asked 3 months ago

1 answers
1 vote
Is there a bulk shipping option like other sites where i can get a scan sheet?
Would really like to have a scan sheet for the post office like the other 2 sites I sell on, so I don't stand there waiting for each package to be scanned in. If it's there, please point me in the right direction. I'm not seeing it.

asked 3 months ago

5 answers
5 votes
Help with new shipping - not impressed so far...
I was hoping someone from Bonanza could help with shipping. We just purchased our first label, and was less then pleased with the experience. Here's what we found out. 1) The label cost us $0.02 more than purchasing through PayPal using their S...

asked 3 months ago

1 answers
0 votes
Email from stripe
Has anyone else received an email from stripe stating they can't access the website listed on your stripe account for Stating if they can't access your website by November 26, 2023 they will need to pause payouts to my bank account. ...

asked 3 months ago

1 answers
4 votes
New shipping fee is very confusing and the label prints the wrong way.
We have two labels 5 1/2" X 8 1/2" labels side by side; however, the label prints portrait instead of the other way (guessing landscape). We will not be able to use our labels with this method unless there is a way to turn them in the correct dir...

asked 3 months ago

6 answers
5 votes
New shipping fee
Is anyone else upset that they are basically forcing us to use their shipping or fining us if we don't? That's like going into Target and being charged more for not using their card. It is ridiculous. I am closing up after 7 years. I ship th...

asked 3 months ago

3 answers
0 votes
I thought the new shipping requirements started
Sold item yesterday, the 9th, after the requirement to buy shipping on Bonanza. I go to see and NO $2 taken from anywhere to be applied to a label I buy later. When I go to buy shipping on Bonanza, it wants to charge me the 25 cents to process the...

asked 3 months ago

5 answers
2 votes
This shipping thing?
If I sell here and I just take my items to post office myself as I always have done am I paying $2.00 extra to bonanza for my sales??

asked 3 months ago

2 answers
0 votes
Here's a hidden secret that will help you increase your sales dramatically.
I read a lot of comments here about how sellers aren't selling, no traffic to my booth, how do I increase sales, etc. Here's a hidden secret that only I know but I'm willing to share it with the rest of you Bonanzers. Shhhhh. Don't tell anyone....

asked 3 months ago

2 answers
2 votes
Android app
Is there an application for using bonanza? for sellers or as a buyer? I can not find anything.

asked 3 months ago

4 answers
1 vote
How do we increase the price of all items at once by $2 to cover label charge?
Because it seems BZ is forcing the $2 and really complicating things here, we need a way to IMPORT from eBay and INCREASE price by set amount for all items. A constant import price increase option. I see they always ask us to DECRAESE by x% but...

asked 3 months ago

1 answers
0 votes
Creating tax rules
Hello, I don't quite understand the creation of tax rules. Should I guess which countries my buyers will be from and create tax rules for these countries? How important is this anyway? It's necessary? what happens if I forget to indicate a country?

asked 3 months ago